Counter Strike 13 Free Download

Feel the most throbbing action with one of the greatest action titles launched for PC, Counter Strike. This first person shooter caused a great impact among players worldwide, that embraced a virtual weapon to face each other in combats that you will now be able to relive once again.

  • Counter-Strike 1.3 for Half-Life Retail, WON Network. Not sure if there are servers for this on WON2. Steam Version: Download the installer and load the game quick and easy. After the download reset steam and you will find in your steam libary Counter Strike 1.3. Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social.
  • Counter strike 1.3 free download - Counter Terrorist-SWAT Strike, Counter Terrorist 2-Gun Strike, Counter Terrorist Strike 3D, and many more programs.

It's better to shoot in company

There were many reasons that made Counter Strike such a special game, but its multiplayer mode is probably the most important factor. Counter Strikeonline offered the possibility to take part in battles between various players with its addictive multiplayer mode, in which it was possible to create groups to fight against other users. The coordination will be a very important factor if you don't want to end up being shot in the head.

Counter-Strike 2D is a two-dimensional conversion of the popular. Shoot game games arcade game free game free games kid games action games 2d game 2d games antivirus control counter counter strike multiplayer shooter capture the flag Counter-Strike.

Each of the groups, taking the role of terrorists or antiterrorists, will have to take part in a succession of time-limited assaults to try to eliminate their enemies and reach the areas of the map where the final objectives of each mission can be located. Don't forget that inCounter Strikecheats are part of the game: you'll be able to find many of them on the Internet.

Choose your mission

  • Live an authentic bomb battle. Act as a terrorist placing explosives that the rival team has to deactivate.
  • Take part in a suicide mission facing antiterrorists to death or coordinate your team to be able to save the hostages.
  • Compete to safeguard the life of one of the antiterrorists.
  • Avoid that the terrorists manage to escape to specific areas of the map.

Half Life MOD

Counter strike download free. full

Counter Strike 13 Free Download For Pc

Counter Strikeis a MOD of another popular video game, Half Life, that especially enhances the multiplayer section. Make use of the different weapons and skills depending on the side you choose.

Counter Strike Online 2 Download

Live the thrill of the battlefield on your PC by downloading Counter Strike for free.

Counter Strike Download Free Pc

  • The version that we offer is version 1.5 that only allows you to play on a local network, because version 1.6 that allows you to play online is a pay-to-play application. Version 1.5 is still completely free offers almost the same playability.
  • Despite Counter Strike being freeware, since it is really a mod it is still necessary to have an original copy of Half-Life installed to be able to enjoy this classic online action game.