How To Make Steam Download Game And Then Install

  1. Steam Games
  2. Steam
  3. How To Make Steam Download Game And Then Install On Pc

How Can I Install A Steam game On A Flash Drive. What happens if you install a Steam game to a removable drive. When you download a game you will be asked. Steam allows you to remotely install games from your smartphone, just like you can with a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. You can download games to your gaming PC from.

I'm having a few troubles trying to get a few games that i copied off my mates computer that were completely updated to the newest version and this afternoon. However i think there might be an issue with Steam and my hard drive setup so here's a quick rundown:
Steam is installed on my SSD which is where Win7 OS is installed, i only have 2 games on the SSD.
I have a secondary storage HDD that i created a SteamLibrary in, however, everytime i restart steam it doesn't discover the games installed on the HDD and i have to manually go to settings and re-add the SteamLibrary and then it discovers everything. Now when i try and place these new games i copied from my friend (i do own these games as well) into the E:SteamLibrarycommon i press install and it states the familiar 'Discovering existing files...' the loading bar reaches the end and it displays 'Steam is now downloading [insert game name here]' and it begins to completely re-download the entire game. If you check the folder of the game in E:SteamLibrarycommon it says the folder is only several mb large. When you check the download folder however the folder will be pretty much the same size as when i copied it over and is the same size that steam is supposedly downloading.
Any ideas what is going on ?

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1 Answer


Steam Games

  • You plug in your flash drive.
  • Open Steam and from the menu
  • Choose Settings.
  • Go to the Downloads tab on top.
  • Click on the button 'steam library folders'.
  • Then Add library folder.
  • Choose the folder that your flash drive is mounted in. Should be in /media.
  • Create a new folder and select it. Your folder should be added to the list.
  • Close settings. When you download a game you will be asked which library you want to install it to.


Victor StanchevVictor Stanchev
How To Make Steam Download Game And Then Install

protected by CommunityMar 4 '17 at 21:37

How To Make Steam Download Game And Then Install On Pc

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