Pirates Of The Caribbean Sea Dogs 2 Download Torrent

Sea Dogs is an epic role-playing game for the pirate in all of us. Return to the age of sail as a young captain looking to make a name in the world. Develop your character from humble beginnings and rise to control all of the islands for your country or yourself.

By Steve Butts

The first Sea Dogs was a diamond in the rough. While the game was immensely compelling a few design decisions and a less-than-perfect presentation kept the game from enjoying the success that it ought to have had. Luckily publisher Bethesda and developer Akella are hard at work on a sequel that makes the game much more playable, in terms of both concept and function.

Pete Hines of Bethesda Softworks stopped by earlier today to show off the newest build and talk about some of the changes fans of the first game can expect to see when the sequel is released next spring. The new game obviously adds another level of polish and detail to the graphics but, impressive as they are, it's the gameplay changes that most interested us. New and clearer quests, a greater focus on land-based operations and some improved boarding actions are the three big topics we talked about today.


To start with, there are two characters to choose from -- a lady-pirate named Danielle Greene or a man-pirate named Blaze Devlin. (With a name like Blaze, the whole 'man' thing was in question but the character model at least looks like a man.) Pete explains the 'quest is slightly different depending on which character you choose' but follows largely the same path. It's sort of like Resident Evil where the two characters show up in each other's missions from time to time.

The gang at Bethesda were surprised at how many Xbox players went with the free form quests in Morrowind. They had assumed that the console crowd would prefer a more structured experience than the PC crowd. But other gamers were simply too intimidated by the depth of the game. So to please both camps, the developers of Sea Dogs 2 will include 'a really strong story line that you could play from beginning to end and not worry about the extraneous stuff.' But they also promise that you can completely ignore the main quest and have just as much fun trying out the extra missions.

The original Sea Dogs had four main quests and storylines each specific to a particular nation or power. But moving between these proved confusing for some gamers so the team will be focusing on one 40-50 hour single player story that is available to all characters regardless of faction allegiance. It's somewhat like joining one of the guilds in Morrowind -- you could be allied with the Thieves' or Fighters Guild and still participate in the same basic story.

The game structures the experience gained through each encounter by comparing the relative strengths of the ships involved. You are, therefore, rewarded for taking on opponents who are bigger and badder than you. The game's lack of emphasis on getting the biggest ship with the most guns is refreshing. You can still play that way if you like, but the game offers quicker advancement for those who are willing to make do with less.

For those of you who aren't keen on the main story or faction quests, there's a random quest generator in the game that provides you with virtually unlimited content. Since completion of the main quest doesn't end the game, you can pick and choose your content pretty freely. Somewhat like the varied, level-specific monster spawns in Morrowind, this game produces quests that are 'particularly catered to your character at that given point. So if you're a fairly new captain with a small ship, you'll get a quest that fits that character.'

Moving forward with the live testing of the game, the team will be exploring how these random, more generic quests will fit in with the faction standings in the game. As you start the game, you won't have a faction affiliation with the game's six powers -- England, France, Spain, Holland, Portugal or the pirates. You'll have a standing reputation with each but you're free to associate with whomever you like. Once you have a faction, the random generator will take it in to account when assigning missions. 'Obviously,' says Pete, 'we're not going to give you random quests to go sink a French merchant ship if you're playing the French.'

Pete also points out one of the weakness of the first game. 'In Sea Dogs,' he says, 'land was nothing more than refueling station' and there were only a few key places you could visit in each town. It simply didn't fit the pace of the game (or the excitement quite honestly) you could find at sea. Before you'd simply walk from the shipyard to the tavern and be done with it. This time around 'Towns are wholly explorable. All the doors, while they may be locked, are all active locations, place you can go.' There will even be quests that don't require you to go to sea at all.

In addition to exploring the towns, players can now venture outside the walls to explore the islands themselves. The range of movement here is fairly limited because the team didn't want to be faced with the prospect of creating an entirely new roleplaying game centered on the islands. You'll walk down fairly linear paths in your exploration of the land around the towns, but this helps to give the game a much-needed sense of direction and purpose. The paths will split so you'll have some choice -- you just can't walk anywhere you like.

You'll run across numerous encounters outside of towns. Bandits can be lurking by the road to waylay travelers. That'll be a nice surprise when you come walking by. Or perhaps there are pirates holed up in a nearby cave beyond the reach of the town guards. You can stumble across some of these encounters entirely spontaneously; others will have to be activated through mission vendors.

Platforms:PC, Xbox
Publisher:Bethesda Softworks
Developer:Sea Dog
Genres:Adventure / Action Adventure
Release Date:July 1, 2003
Game Modes:Singleplayer

Sid Meyer’s Pirates, minus the appeal of being a pirate.

Originally in development as Sea Dogs 2, Pirates of the Caribbean is basically a regurgitation of its predecessor with punchier graphics, more side-quests, and a movie license with little tying it to the movie. Set in the early 17th century against the backdrop of the hotly contested Caribbean archipelago, Pirates starts you off as freelance swashbuckler Captain Nathanial Hawk. Your ship and crew are the sole survivors of a French attack on the English colony of Oxbow. The resulting quest will eventually take you on a wide-open buccaneering career.

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Gameplay is divided between land and sea modes. On land, the camera hovers behind your shoulders as you use the left mouse button to go forward and the right to back up, while moving the mouse pans the camera. Unfortunately, this scheme never works quite right (what a surprise) and leads to frustrating close-quarters snarls. Land combat — arguably the lamest aspect of Pirates — lets you swing a sword, parry, or fire a pistol. It makes whack-a-mole look like chess.

Your character is rated for skills and abilities that affect everything from your reputation to seaworthiness, but while the game world is filled with objects such as carts and barrels, all you can interact with are people and doors. Most conversations are bland variations of “How’s the weather?” and have little bearing on the plot. You’ll find yourself switching to the game’s “quick travel” mode to zip directly to the shipyards, stores, and taverns, where the side-quests are doled out and trade takes place.

Pirates Of The Caribbean Sea Dogs 2 Download Torrent Download

The game excels at sea, whether you’re firing grapeshot off the bow or bobbing like a cork on 16-foot swells during a storm. You control your ship in either third- or first-person mode. (The latter is used to manually aim and reload.) Ship-to-ship combat rewards careful attention to wind speed, ammunition selection, and ship facing relative to the enemy. Playing the ship combat mode, thus, is probably the best reason to pick this game up. You can control up to three ships at a time, and it’s immensely satisfying to board or ransack an enemy galleon and add it to your convoy.

Pirates Of The Caribbean 3

But for a game that boasts “many fanciful islands” and “lush, exotic environments,” there’s not a lot to see. Most of the towns look the same (several taverns have identical interiors), and clopping around in the wilderness is done “on rails” — venturing off the beaten path is not an option. Thankfully, the game looks great at sea, and you’ll probably score at least half a jawdrop out of your first moonlit excursion.

We’ve been waiting a long time for the ultimate land-and-sea pirate simulation, and Akella’s Pirates of the Caribbean gets us closer, but we’re still waiting. And ladies — there’s no Johnny Depp. Yeah, I know, it’s a shame.

System Requirements: Pentium III 800 MHz, 256 MB RAM, 2 GB HDD, WinXP

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