Save The Last Dance Download Movie Free

  1. Save The Last Dance full movie, online
  • As teen melodrama, well, Carter's film is what it is; but for such a mainstream black-consciousness movie, at least it doesn't shy from addressing some touchy issues about masculinity, parenthood, and black attitudes to whites.
  • A refreshingly friendly view of a romance between people of different pigmentation, an area where more respectable pictures still wimp out.
  • Stiles and Thomas supply what this movie needs most: a heartbeat.
  • It pays knowing respect not only to high school social politics, but also to racial politics among today's young people.
  • The intent is a feel-good film, sort of an American version of Billy Elliot and I didn't believe a minute of it.
  • Save the Last Dance squanders nice performances by Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas by confining them and the supporting cast to cookie-cutter roles and hackneyed inner-city subplots.
  • The high school repartee has snap, crackle and pop, but the romantic drama is strictly cornflakes that have been left in the milk too long.
  • An admirably heartfelt story with more on its mind than the glory of self-expression.
  • Predictable teen-dream drama.
  • Stiles and Thomas are good together, in a warm and fuzzy, as opposed to hot and heavy, sort of way.
  • A decent, well-put-together romantic drama to hold hands to on the weekend.
  • San Francisco Chronicle

    1/12/2001 by Wesley Morris

    This movie would sooner see Derrick help Sara fulfill her Juilliard destiny than acknowledge how hard he worked to get into G-Town. It's profoundly square screen writing.
  • This skin-deep MTV Films production is more about promoting soundtrack sales than social causes.
  • The playing of ballet against hip-hop gets more than a little corny, but the charismatic young performers make the corn work.
  • Recycles every clich of the genre to sleep-inducing effect.
  • For all its dumb clichs it offers the basic appeal of teen movies: the pleasure of watching kids be kids, acting as they do among themselves instead of how parents and teachers expect them to act.
  • The setup promises cliches, but the development is intelligent, the characters are more complicated than we expect, and the ending doesn't tie everything up in a predictable way.
  • A spirited, dirty dance between the polished inauthenticity of Hollywood romance-musicals and hip-hop's central tenet: keeping it real.
  • It's far from tepid teen fare, thanks largely to the sweet chemistry between up-and-comer Sean Patrick Thomas and leading lady Julia Stiles.
  • The film has a lot of surface complication but no attention span; it's a centimeter deep.
Save the last dance download movie free online

Save The Last Dance full movie, online

Apr 23, 2014 - Save the Last Dance hd 1080p, How to download Save the Last Dance full movie, download Save the Last Dance free, Save the Last Dance.